Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a drug-free, non-surgical treatment option available to our patients. Completely painless, laser therapy involves the application of red and infrared light on tissue at and below the surface of the skin, increasing circulation by drawing oxygen and nutrients to the affected area. This creates an optimal healing environment reducing inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm, stiffness, and pain.
Current medical studies show that laser therapy can help with the following conditions:
- Osteoarthritis
- Post-Surgical Pain
- Joint Pain
- Neck and Back Pain
- Edema & Congestion
- Hip Dysplasia
- Ligament Sprains
- Burns
- Muscle Strains
- Chronic Wounds
- Puncture Wounds
- Rehabilitation
- Post-Traumatic Injury
- Post Orthopedic Surgical Recovery
Wondering if laser therapy could help your pet? Give us a call at (734) 668-1466.